Hi, everyone and welcome to our second DevLog. My name is Xiao and I am the art director and game director on the game False God. False God is a 1st person survival horror game that combines elements of Chinese Folk-Horror and Lovecraftian Cosmic-Horror. And in this DevLog I wanted to share with everyone the progress that the art department has been making on this game. As you can see, our team has been hard at work animating the horrors and nightmares that exist with in the game. Furthermore, the Main Character has been added to the game. His name is Li GouDan. We are working very hard to get our demo out, but first and foremost we want our product to be a fun gaming experience and we have been hard at work adding details make the experience as immersive as possible for the player. So if this is of any interest to you, please follow us on our social media and our next DevLog will feature our talented Audio Team. #survivalhorrorgame #chinesefolkhorror #falsegodgame #xiaofanchuanstudios
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